Happy 2021!

2020 was a very difficult year due to restrictions on travel which cancelled my plans for doing shows in MD, Virginia, NC and SC. Many good things came about to be grateful for as well. Never before have I understood the value of a hug, a phone call and staying connected to others.

As for my artwork, new avenues of creating presented itself to my consciousness. These visuals were able to emerge through me as a result of much personal reflection. and some resistance, and fear of the unknown….however, I got out of my own way and went with it, so to speak. That is a teaser!!! Look out for the new works coming soon! Meanwhile, here is a featured look at my latest commission completed, a large commission portraying a Bounty Hunter’s journey called, “Looming Over Us”. This artwork was completed for the Havre De Grace Museum, MD. They are executing an Underground Railroad exhibit at their newly resorted Maritime Museum. The exhibit and museum opening never happened as planned in May of 20202 due to Covid-19, but it is on the horizon, TBD. Additionally other artworks left my studio and found new homes in spite of limited conditions to be physical. Lastly, at the end of December 2020, two of my recent upgraded artworks using wax and mixed media sold. Happy Holidays to Me!

Miles To Go, Know, Do (Sold), original collagraph with encaustic and mixed media boarder, 9hx12w

Miles To Go, Know, Do (Sold), original collagraph with encaustic and mixed media boarder, 9hx12w

The Scout Miss Tubman (Sold), original collagraph with mixed media boarder, 18wx24h

The Scout Miss Tubman (Sold), original collagraph with mixed media boarder, 18wx24h

Looming Over Us, Commission, 50hx36wx2d, (encaustic and mixed media on mounted photograph)

Looming Over Us, Commission, 50hx36wx2d, (encaustic and mixed media on mounted photograph)